eSpeakPlus is a free Text To Speech (TTS) engine for Persian and other languages in Windows which supports SAPI 5 speech driver. It is based on the legacy espeak TTS and the Mbrola voices.
eSpeakPlus is a collection of the legacy espeak version 1.48.15 Text To Speech (TTS) which supports SAPI 5 speech driver in Windows, the open-sourced Mbrola library, plus some Mbrola voices (ir1; de6; de7; en1; us1; us2; us3), and voice variants including the famous “max” which are defined in the espeak NG project. The eSpeakPlus also provides phonetic translation files for two Mbrola diphone databases namely de6 and de7 and definition of mb-de6-fa, mb-de6-en, mb-de7-fa, and mb-de7-en espeak Mbrola voice files which enable espeak to read Persian and English text using the aforementioned German diphones.
You can download the latest version of the eSpeakPlus from this link which is version 1.1.
License: this package is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. Please see the License file for further details.